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Rocks and Soil por Mind Map: Rocks and Soil

1. Using pumice rock, make a pumice necklace.

2. Science

2.1. Videos on United Streaming (see notes)

2.2. Learn characteristics of rocks (luster, texture, etc.)

2.3. Explore different types of soil; sand, clay, loam.

2.4. Weathering Rocks using a hammer and brown paper bag (teacher uses hammer only!)

2.5. Build volcanoes

2.6. Discover mountains, valleys, and caves.

2.7. Pet Rock Experiement discovering a rocks hardness, length, weight, acid, etc.

2.8. Peanut Butter Pressure

3. New node

4. Social Studies

4.1. Discuss what a dormant and active volcano is. Using a globe, or blow up map of the U.S., chart where dormant and active volcanoes are.

4.2. The Grand Canyon: show pictures, discuss sedimentary rock and count the layers of sedimentary rock in the Grand Canyon. Talk about the Grand Canyon and it's location (AZ!!)

4.3. Research what we use rocks for and why they are important.

5. Creative Arts

5.1. Use chalk (limestone) to create art outside!!

5.2. Rock Art (alot like marble art). Put rocks in a box under paper, add paint, and roll the rocks around.

6. New node

7. New node

8. Reading

8.1. Books

8.1.1. Re-Create the story by having children retell the story and illustrate.

8.1.2. Create a newspaper with articles and illustrations for the Rock Hound Gazette. Have children use books to find information on rocks.

8.1.3. write poems about rocks.

8.1.4. Write a story about your own adevnture through the earth.

8.1.5. Collect rocks and have them for pets. Have children give the rock characteristics to the rock and use the characteristics in their writing.

8.1.6. Listen to the Magic School Bus on tape.

8.1.7. Make a Important Rock Book by using rock facts children have learned throughout the unit.

9. Math

9.1. Using a balancing scale, place small objects on one side of the scale. Using a tablespoon measure, have students scoop up sand and count how many spoonfuls are equal to the weight of a small object. Record answers on chart paper. Repeat activity with soil and loam.

9.2. Use insect manipulatives to solve math problems.

9.3. Graph rock types after children have collected rocks from outside.

10. Movement and Music

10.1. Soil Song

10.2. Soil Chant