Common Book featuring Poetry

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Common Book featuring Poetry by Mind Map: Common Book featuring Poetry

1. Format

1.1. Anthology

1.1.1. Previously published

1.1.2. Self-published

1.2. Broadside(s)

1.3. Other format(s)

2. Poets

2.1. Single poet

2.2. PNW poet(s)

2.3. Multiple poets

3. Selection

3.1. Committee selects

3.2. Solicited selections

3.3. Other process

4. Theme

4.1. Next City

4.2. Other theme

4.3. Multiple Themes

4.4. Theme schmeme, why bother?

5. Criteria

5.1. accessible to freshma

5.2. readable

5.3. inclusive

5.4. talkaboutable

5.5. well-written

5.6. Critical read of society

5.7. Potential to build community