Animals Unit for Kinder

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1. Social Studies

1.1. Concept 4: Rights, Responsibilities, and Roles of Citizenship The rights, responsibilities and practices of United States citizenship are founded in the Constitution and the nation’s history. PO 1. Identify examples of responsible citizenship in the school setting and in stories about the past and present. PO 2. Recognize the rights and responsibilities of citizenship: a) elements of fair play, good sportsmanship, and the idea of treating others the way you want to be treated b) importance of participation and cooperation in a classroom and community c) why there are rules and the consequences for violating them d) responsibility of voting (every vote counts) PO 3. Discuss the importance of students contributing to a community (e.g., helping others, working together, cleaning up the playground). PO 4. Identify people who help keep communities and citizens safe (e.g., police, firefighters, nurses, doctors).

2. Art

2.1. Stran 1 Concept 2: Materials, Tools, and Techniques • The student will use materials, tools, and techniques in his or her own artwork. Beginning Objectives for Early Elementary Grades PO 001. Identify and experiment with materials, tools, and techniques in his or her own artwork . PO 002. Use materials, tools, and techniques appropriately in his or her own artwork .

3. Reading

3.1. Read books about animals

3.2. Stran 1 Concept 6: Comprehension Strategies Employ strategies to comprehend text. PO 1. Make predictions based on title, cover, illustrations, and text. PO 2. Derive meaning from books that are highly predictable, use repetitive syntax, and have linguistic redundancy.

4. Math

4.1. solve word problems about animals using drawings and counting

4.2. Strand 1 Concept 1: Number Sense Understand and apply numbers, ways of representing numbers, and the relationships among numbers and different number systems PO 1. Express whole numbers 0 to 20 using and connecting multiple representations.

5. Science

5.1. Concept 3: Organisms and Environments Understand the relationships among various organisms and their environment. PO 1. Identify some plants and animals that exist in the local environment. PO 2. Identify that plants and animals need the following to grow and survive: • food • water • air • space PO 3. Describe changes observed in a small system (e.g., ant farm, plant terrarium, aquarium).

6. Music

6.1. Find and sing songs about animals

6.2. Concept 1: Singing, alone and with others, music from various genres and diverse cultures. PO 1. Exhibiting singing and speaking voices. PO 2. Echoing spoken rhythmic patterns.

7. Writing

7.1. Write own songs and/or stories

7.2. Stran 3 Concept 1: Expressive Expressive writing includes personal narratives, stories, poetry, songs, and dramatic pieces. Writing may be based on real or imagined events. PO 1. Create narratives by drawing, dictating, and/or emergent writing. PO 2. Participate in writing simple poetry, rhymes, songs, or chants.