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EGlossary by Mind Map: EGlossary

1. Unit 2

1.1. achienements: something very good and difficult that you have succeeded in doing

1.2. bonuses: an extra amount of money that is given to you

1.3. wages: a fixed amount of money that is paid

1.4. hierarchy: a system in which people or things are arranged according

1.5. esteem: respect for or a good opinion of someone

1.6. self_actualization: To know your self

1.7. Psychological: mind

1.8. physiological: body

1.9. perks: an advantage

1.10. creative: producing

2. Unit 3

2.1. budget: cash money

2.2. cooperate: to act

2.3. factory:a building

2.4. conflicts: an active disagreement between people with opposing poinions

2.5. merger: to combine

2.6. outsourcing: to get part from another comany

2.7. recession: gonig down

2.8. takeover: company has the power

2.9. profit margin:

2.10. sement: part

3. Unit 5

3.1. consumer: a person who buys goods

3.2. apprentice: students

3.3. senior: used after a man name to refer to the older of two peolpe in the same family

3.4. talent: a natural skill or ability

3.5. compulsory: you must do it

3.6. voluntary: done or made

3.7. sexist: someone who believes that particulae jobs

3.8. strategic: relating to the way in which an organization

3.9. ethnic: relating to a race national group of pepole

3.10. equality: a situation in which men and woman

4. Peter Drucker five tasks

5. Motivation

6. Across cultuers

7. Women in business

8. Unit 1

8.1. CEO: Top manager

8.2. modify: To improve

8.3. goals: your aims

8.4. Motivation: To support the group

8.5. resign: to give up a job

8.6. tasks: job _ work

8.7. objectives; something that you plan to do or achieve

8.8. distributors: a person that supplies goods to shops and companies

8.9. human: of or typical of pepole

8.10. debts: No money

9. Unit 4

9.1. extreme: very large in amount

9.2. authority: power

9.3. model: Idea

9.4. foreign market: market outsaide your country

9.5. diversity: the fact of threr being pepole of many different groups in society

9.6. linear active: direct and clear

9.7. collectivist: belw in team work

9.8. corporate objective: company aims

9.9. universalists: existing everywhere

9.10. confrontation: a situation in which people

10. Unit 6

10.1. discrimination: the practice of treaticular pepole

10.2. appointed: officially chosen job or responsibility

10.3. ratio: the relationship between groups

10.4. sacked: to remove someone from a job

10.5. quota: a fixed

10.6. prejudice: an unfair and unreasonable opinion

10.7. ranks: a position in an organization

10.8. stereotype: a fixed idea that pepole have about what somone or something is like

10.9. insecure: safe

10.10. identity: respect

11. college courses

11.1. Math foundation

11.2. marketing

11.3. management and leadership

11.4. softwaer APPs for business