What makes a good teacher

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What makes a good teacher por Mind Map: What makes a good teacher

1. Definition of a good teacher

1.1. University Definition

1.1.1. Perfect Differentiation

1.1.2. Has been accepted onto PGCE/GTP course and fullfills subsequent criteria

1.1.3. A reflective practitioner

1.2. TDA Definition

1.2.1. Create an atmosphere of "mutual respect",

1.2.2. Opportunities for "active learning"

1.2.3. Ability to explain things clearly

1.2.4. More than knowledge and intellectual ability

1.2.5. "promote the active engagement of the learner".

1.3. Goverment definition

1.3.1. Applied National Curriculum

1.3.2. Applied National Strategies

1.3.3. Positive Ofsted reports

1.3.4. Every Child Matters

1.3.5. Steer Report

1.4. Student definition

1.4.1. Being defined as an ongoing process within the ITT

1.4.2. Appear confident

1.4.3. Secure behaviour management strategies

1.4.4. Good teacher pupil relationships

1.4.5. Able to bring to the classroom the background reasons for wanting to do ITT

1.4.6. When the child demonstrates something that you've taught them

1.4.7. When the child demonstrates learning is taking place

1.5. Employer definition

1.5.1. Positive Ofsted report

1.5.2. Potential student applications up

1.5.3. Behaviour, low exclusion rate

1.6. Society definition

1.6.1. Pillar of society

1.6.2. Positive influence

1.6.3. Able to induce learning

1.6.4. Dependant on social climate

1.7. My definition

1.7.1. When you feel you have made a positive difference to 'a' child's life

1.7.2. When you receive a 'thank you'

1.7.3. when students feel they can approach you

1.7.4. when you make good relationships with the kids

1.8. theory definition

1.9. DCSF

1.10. Parent definition

1.10.1. What do i expect my child to achieve My child succeeds When they are able to move to the next level

2. Reflection

2.1. Change without reflection

2.1.1. Reactional, knee jerk change

2.2. Does profound change happen without it?

2.2.1. No

2.3. Profound change

2.4. Equates to changing expectations

2.4.1. Continually moving goal posts Without support - Possible demoralisation With support - improving practitioner

3. Suitability

4. Should i question if i am one?

5. Am i one?

5.1. How do i know

5.1.1. Standards Met

5.1.2. Learning achieved

5.1.3. Willingness

5.1.4. Can cope

5.1.5. Gut feeling

5.2. Do the students agree

5.3. Do peers agree

5.4. Does my employer agree

5.5. What happens if i'm not

5.5.1. How do i become one Meet Standards Improve

5.5.2. Leave

5.6. What happens if i am

5.6.1. Improve

6. Apptitude

7. How do i avoid not being one

8. Understanding

9. Good Mentor

9.1. What makes a good mentor

10. Effective initial academic support

10.1. University in touch with real world

10.2. Able to assist and adapt students experience and skillset to becoming a teacher

10.3. Able to guide under multitude of situations