Car research Cody Bennett and Shelby Wilson

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Car research Cody Bennett and Shelby Wilson by Mind Map: Car research Cody Bennett and Shelby Wilson

1. For milage of 95,001 - 105,000 the consumer resale value was $18,223 (excellent condition)

1.1. The consumer resale value was $10,940 for excellent condition. For bad condition it is $8,039

2. Type of Car

2.1. Audi A3 2013 MSRP from $27,270

2.1.1. 2012 Dodge Caliber MSRP from $18,765

3. Why?

3.1. The Audi gets fantastic reviews from both my close car-enthusiest friends and also professional reviewing websites.

3.1.1. Shelby told me to.

4. Ownership Costs

4.1. According to maintenance, repair, and fuel cost for the audi amount to $2,320 for the first year, and by the fifth year it will have cost you $14,690.

4.1.1. says the maintenance, repair, and fuel cost for the Dodge Caliber comes out to a total of $2,008 for the first year, and by the fifth year a total of $12,294.

5. Loan options

5.1. 2. I am unable to find other numbers, except for a study comparing credit unions and banks for car loan interest rates. The credit union average was 2.98%

5.1.1. 2. We were unable to find any other numbers, except for once again a study comparing car loan interest rates. The average was also 2.98%

5.2. 1. From they have a calculator under this model to figure your monthly payment. This lists the loan interest at 5%

5.2.1. 1. The Dodge site gave me 4.5% for the loan interest.

5.3. 3. The bank average was 4.47%

5.3.1. 3. The bank average was also 4.47%

6. Insurance

6.1. $1,484 over one year (

6.1.1. $1,357 over one year

7. Lease Options

8. Trade-in value

8.1. For milage of 5,001 - 15,000 the consumer resale value was $24,786 (excellent condition)

8.1.1. There was no information available for the 2013 model, however the 2015 model had numbers for interest rates for 24 and 36 months, they were both 3.6%

9. KBB value

9.1. $25,630 - $26,472

9.1.1. $19,500