Primary art - looking at Dover's program

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Primary art - looking at Dover's program by Mind Map: Primary art - looking at Dover's program

1. An Australian Curriculum attached here - good to read to see a whole curric

2. Hamish

2.1. grade 2 projects

2.1.1. impressions

2.1.2. comparison with what we do

2.2. grade 3 projects

2.2.1. impressions

2.2.2. comparison with what we do

3. This has some challenges because you need the East examples to compare - and Hamish you are not teaching it yet and Andrew you have not had a lot of notice to prepare some samples from your program. At least do the reflection on the Dover art - Andrew as you know your program you will be able to do the comparison. This is step one in this process.

4. Dover Primary website here at this link - review and reflect

5. What should we aim for? Always offer children choices while doing work Encourage children to express themselves - its not just about skills Give children time to experiment - allow for this Encourage children talk about their work - they should be able to in a personal way Demonstrate new skills as part of a program, not hit and miss Try something new, stimulate and excite

6. Andrew

6.1. grade 2 projects

6.1.1. impressions

6.1.2. comparison with what we do

6.2. grade 3 projects

6.2.1. impressions

6.2.2. comparison with what we do

7. Hamish

7.1. grade 4 projects

7.1.1. Still Life Love the Ratin Sculpture still life photography clay work sculpture

7.1.2. Ratin moves away from Paper Mache and gives them a completely new medium to experiment with.

7.2. grade 5 projects

7.2.1. impressions

7.2.2. comparison with what we do

8. Andrew

8.1. grade 4 projects

8.1.1. impressions

8.1.2. comparison with what we do

8.2. grade 5 projects

8.2.1. impressions

8.2.2. comparison with what we do