Powerful Communication (Ethical Persuasion, Influence and Charisma)

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Powerful Communication (Ethical Persuasion, Influence and Charisma) by Mind Map: Powerful Communication (Ethical    Persuasion, Influence and Charisma)

1. Fishingholes:

1.1. linkedin groups

1.2. Business Blogs

1.3. Blogs about leadership

1.4. Amazon reviews

1.5. Interviews via Skype or live with Ryan Holiday, Ramit Sethi, and other influential people related to persuasion and influencing skills

2. Burning pains

2.1. "How do I get people to understand my ideas? I know for sure my idea is THE BEST but people don't seem to understand what I mean"

2.2. (Managing Director of a company) "I want people within my organisation to think more entrepreneurial, I want to create a corporate culture like Netflix! However, most people just arrive at their work, go home early, and do not provide extra value. They just do it for their paycheck. How do I communicate my desire? How do i motivate them?"

2.3. Employee: "It always takes so long before my idea gets approval from management and that I can finally execute upon it. I really wish that I had more influence in the process. I feel that I cannot speak up for myself. I don't feel I'm in my power"

2.4. "Why do I get paid such a lousy salary? I am worth much more!! But I don't dare to talk about it....."

2.5. Sales person: "How do I communciate the value of my services and products in a way that customers will buy them? Customers always ask for the prize before they even know what the service is all about, how can I avoid that? How do I present my services in a way people beg for it, and price is not an issue anymore?"

2.6. "How do I present with power? I always feel so nervous before a presentation. I rather die than do a presentation."

2.7. "How can I sell myself on network events? Most of the times network events are a wast of time as I don't dare to step up to others, or I don't know how to say what I'm doing or what I sell in a clear and compelling way. People roll their eyes and will politely say that it was nice to meet me with the result I will never hear from them again.."

2.8. Manager: "At a corporate party our big CEO came to me and asked me "if you were the CEO of this company, what would you do?". At that moment I WISHED I was prepared on how to make an impact; however I failt and I was totally blocked...I didn't know what to say, I felt stupid and I regret this moment for ever..."

3. Potential Audiences

3.1. Professionals in business, between 25 and 35 who want to make an impact with their communication in forms of speech, presentations and their presence

3.2. Young Professionals in Business who aim for a leadership position,, between 25-35, who want to create change within their organisation, who want people to do what they want them to do (ethical influence) and who want to create an impact

3.3. Sales People, between 25-35 who want to create compelling stories about their service so that people buy without hesitation

3.4. Young Entrepreneur, between 25-35 who want to improve their communication in order to grow their business and to motivate their staff

4. Crunchy solution

4.1. Techniques, tips and words to make your presentation more persuasive

4.2. How to create a sales presentation that sells

4.3. How to get attention through power words, charismatic energy and presence, in an over-communicated society

4.4. How to communicate in a way people actually listen and are all ears for you ideas

4.5. How to get straight to 'Yes", tips & techniques

4.6. How to make an unforgettable impressions so that your network events turn into profit, create triggers so that people want to know more about you and your services, and give you referrals

5. Products to sell

5.1. Persuasive presentation workbook (free for subscribers)

5.2. How to be more charismatic and create personal magnetism $ 47

5.3. Presentations that Pay $ 97

5.4. Powerful persuasion course $ 197

5.5. Clear communication course $ 197

5.6. Inner circle persuasion and influence techniques of the masters $ 49 / month

5.7. Personal consultation on presentations, speeches, sales pitches, personal power communication etc by me $ 200 per session