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Confidence by Mind Map: Confidence

1. Preparation

1.1. Determine necessary steps to complete

1.1.1. Prioritze

1.2. Assign roles and responsibilities

1.3. Dry run

1.3.1. Practice

1.3.2. Expect the unexpected

1.3.3. Have a plan "B"

2. Familiarization

2.1. Understand the task or project

2.1.1. SWOT

2.2. Determine resources needed

2.3. Create steps needed for completion

3. Collabortaion

3.1. Identify stakeholders

3.2. Identify necessary roles

3.3. Find common ground

3.4. Establish the mutual benefit(s)

3.5. Get agreement

4. Action

4.1. Schedule

4.2. Complete steps

4.2.1. In order of priority

4.3. Determine follow up needed