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Inputs/Outputs by Mind Map: Inputs/Outputs

1. The examples that I listed are important to the classroom. Students will use these devices on a regular basis.

2. You can use these devices in a way that the entire calss can see what you are doingl This can be a great way to teach other students and even use it to open up the teaching to students with many abilities and students who learn differently.

3. Keyboards, mouses, and scanners are all input devices.

3.1. Keyboards may present a challenge to students until they have practiced using them.

3.2. Mouses are set up for the typical right handed students and so the teachers need to be aware of this and learn how to modify it.

3.3. Scanners are not something that I would of thought would be important but there is so much information that students may want to add and you can scan that information in.

3.4. All of these devices have the challenge that the teacher needs to be educated and the ntakes the time to train the students, especially if they are young and have never used a computer before.

4. Outputs

5. Inputs

6. Speakers and Headphones, printer and the monitor.

6.1. Speakers and headphones can be utilized for the students with auditory learning.

6.2. Printers are important to output the information that is on the computer and show the work of the students.

6.3. The monitor is there to see the information that is on the computer.

6.4. All of these output devices can be utilized for anyone but teachers use these to output hte information that is being created and extend the learning process.