1. Affiliate Strategies
1.1. reviews
2. Web marketing strategies
2.1. Marketing Mix
2.1.1. Product, Price, Promotion, Place
2.2.1. Sears
2.3.1. Sabre Holdings
3. Visitors
3.1. Browsers
3.1.1. Trigger Words
3.2. Buyers
3.2.1. Shopping Cart
3.3. Shoppers
3.3.1. Simplifiers
3.3.2. Surfers
3.3.3. Bargainers
3.3.4. Connectors
3.3.5. Routiners
3.3.6. Sportsters
3.4. 5 Stages of Customer loyalty
3.4.1. Awareness
3.4.2. Exploration
3.4.3. Familiarity
3.4.4. Commitment
3.4.5. Separation
3.5. Aquisition, Conversion, & Retention
4. Advertising on the Web
4.1. Banner Ads
4.2. Pop-ups
4.3. Pop-behind
4.4. Interstitial Ads
4.5. Rich media Ads
4.6. Site Sponsorship
4.7. Permission Marketing
4.7.1. Opt-In Email
5. Branding
5.1. Differentiation
5.2. Relevance
5.3. Percieved Value
6. Types of Branding
6.1. Emotional
6.2. Rational
6.3. Brand Leveraging
6.4. Brand Consolidation
7. Viral Marketing
7.1. word of mouth
8. Domain Names
8.1. Buy, sell, lease
8.2. URL brokers
8.2.1. ICANN, BuyDomains.com
9. Communicating with differnet market segments
9.1. Trust & Media Choice
9.1.1. Lowest to highest
9.1.2. Mass Media
9.1.3. The Web
9.1.4. Personal Contact
9.2. Market Segmentation
9.2.1. Geographic segmentation
9.2.2. Demographic segmentation
9.2.3. Pychographic segmentation Social Class, Personality
9.2.4. Segmentation using Consumer Behaviour Behavioural or Occasion segmentation Usage-Based segmentation
9.2.5. Life-Cycle segmentation
10. CRM Customer Relationship Management
10.1. eCRM Technology-enabled CRM
10.1.1. when firm aquire information on customer behaviour, preferences, pattern etc to set prices, customize product features, etc
11. Search Engines
11.1. Spider, Crawler, or Robot
11.1.1. searches for intersting pages on the web
11.2. Idex or Database
11.2.1. checks to see if info is already stored
11.3. Utility
11.3.1. finds entry that match the search terms in its index
11.4. Paid placements / sponsorship
11.4.1. Search engine placement brokers