Causes of Globalization 3.0
by nick lasko
1. Uploading
1.1. apache
1.1.1. A server code used by web servers to communicate
1.2. Weblog
1.2.1. type of website, maintained by an individual
2. Insourcing
2.1. the business practice of using current personel or resources for new tasks and projects
2.1.1. UPS
2.1.2. FedEx
3. Offshoring
3.1. Taking the whole company and moving it elsewhere, out of the country
3.2. Microsoft
4. Informing
4.1. Info that search engines hold
4.1.1. Google
4.1.2. Yahoo
4.1.3. Bing
5. End of the Cold War
5.1. Berlin Wall
5.2. It made the world more flatter because it opened up economies that were not available before
5.3. Capitalism
5.3.1. more people began to become open to capitalism
6. Workflow Software
6.1. Linksystem
6.2. Connects internet to email
6.3. google
6.3.1. example of how everythings connected
7. Outsourcing
7.1. Call Centers
7.1.1. Loss of jobs
7.1.2. cheaper labor
8. Supply Chain
8.1. Walmart
8.1.1. Largest supply chain
8.2. Ford
8.2.1. Largest vehicle supply chain
9. Steroids
9.1. Cell Phones
9.1.1. accessability to internet at any time
9.1.2. kgb
9.2. iPods
9.3. PDA's
10. Internet
10.1. Google
10.1.1. Info on anything
10.2. Myspace
10.2.1. major communication community