1. Science
1.1. Biodiversity
1.1.1. Task: Students can utilize the following online cause and effect change organizer, to illustrate the effects of human intervention with natural habitats.
1.2. Air and Flight
1.2.1. Task: Students can visit the following website to learn how to construct a variety of paper airplane flying devices. Printable folding patterns are offered, as students can watch videos, choose their favourite, and record their observations using google docs.
1.3. Electricity
1.3.1. Task: Students can visit the following website where they can create their own series and parallel circuits, and track the voltage and amps for each.
1.4. Earth and Space
1.4.1. Task: Students can visit the following website, to learn how to create and use their own sundial. Students can then tell the time by tracking the movements of the sun throughout the day.
2. Social Studies
2.1. Canadian Communities
2.1.1. Task: Students can create their own flow map showing the relocation of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities throughout Canada, researching appropriate databases and displaying their findings using Mindmeister
2.2. Global Issues
2.2.1. Task: Students can use google earth satellite images to lead an investigation into the diminishing of ocean reef life in the major oceans of the world.
2.3. Mapping
2.3.1. Task: Students can use the online World Map Maker program, to construct a map of areas in the world, that are effected by drought conditions. Students can then illustrate those countries that are in a position to help others with issues of water shortages.
3. Mathematics
3.1. Measurement
3.1.1. Task: Following the format of a flipped classroom, students can access the tutorials from the link provided at home, on how to construct shapes, when given a set of variables for the shape. This will lead to in class assignments for drawing shapes
3.2. Geometry
3.2.1. Task: Students can follow the link to watch a YouTube video, offering additional assistance when completing isometric drawings of 3-D figures.
3.3. Data Management
3.3.1. Task: Students can utilize the Survey Monkey software, to create and administer an online survey, to collect data, analyze it, and communicate its results.
3.4. Number Sense
3.4.1. Task: Students can visit the "Fraction Four" website, to gain additional practice working with fractions, by playing games that compare and order fractions.