Marketing Working Group

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Marketing Working Group by Mind Map: Marketing Working Group

1. Opportunity Campaigns

1.1. Process incoming campaign requests

1.1.1. Sub task

1.1.2. Sub task

1.1.3. Sub task

1.2. Create or delegate to teams for specific campaign management

1.2.1. Sub task

1.2.2. Sub task

1.2.3. Sub task

1.3. Portal updates and release campaigns


2.1. Research

2.1.1. Gather Statistics

2.1.2. survey and compile results

2.1.3. maintain repository of knowledge assests

2.2. Recomendations

2.2.1. Prepare a quarterly report of trends and activities that impact Joomla as a community and where it stands in the marketplace

2.2.2. Define Market Segments and nuances that change over time

3. Writing Team

3.1. Articles and Blogs

3.1.1. Sub task

3.1.2. Sub task

3.1.3. Sub task

3.2. process documents

3.2.1. Task force Charters

3.2.2. organization charts

3.2.3. presentations

3.2.4. policies and workflows

3.3. Press Releases

3.3.1. Collaboration with a Professional public relations firm

3.3.2. Management of Timelines and archives

4. Dsign Team

4.1. Develop Collateral

4.1.1. Overall marketing initiatives

4.1.2. Opportunity campaigns

4.1.3. Joomla Release campaigns

4.1.4. Info Graphics and communication tools

4.2. Brand Asset Management

4.2.1. public download pages

4.2.2. Catalog of assets

4.2.3. Terms of use guide and criteria

5. Translation Team

5.1. Release Content

5.1.1. Landing Pages

5.1.2. Magazine Articles

5.1.3. Blog Posts

5.1.4. Communication Tools

5.2. Campaign content

5.2.1. Landing Pages

5.2.2. Magazine Articles

5.2.3. Blog Posts

5.2.4. Communication Tools

6. Release Team

6.1. Facilitate collateral and communications for CMS Releases

6.1.1. Sub task

6.1.2. Sub task

6.1.3. Sub task

6.2. Facilitate collateral and communications for Framework Releases

6.2.1. Sub task

6.2.2. Sub task

6.2.3. Sub task

7. MWG - Leadership Team

7.1. Process Improvement

7.2. Project Management

7.3. Conflict Resolution

7.4. Meeting and Timeline Scheduling

7.5. Resource recruitment

7.6. Leadership Team Liaisons

7.7. Strategy Assessments

7.8. Public Relations

7.9. Permissions and access control