Roman Family

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Roman Family by Mind Map: Roman Family

1. 1.The father was the supreme head of the house. Everyone had to obey him.

2. 2. Roman usually in their teenage years.

3. 3. If they could not keep a baby they would abandon it on a hill.

4. 4. If women gave birth to at least three babies they could have a independent household.

5. 5. Half the children born did not live to age ten.

6. Summary of the Article: Roman fathers were the supreme head of the house. They valued their sons because they carried on the family name. If they did not have a son, they would adopt one. The fathers would also decide wether or not the family would keep the babies that the mother gives birth to. Roman women married in there teenage years and were much younger than their husbands, who married in their thirties. They were expected to manage household chores and assist her husband's career.