Input/Output Devices

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Input/Output Devices by Mind Map: Input/Output Devices

1. knowing the difference between input/output makes all of the difference with learning the understanding of their devices.

2. Information/data sent to computer is input

3. Information/data displayed from computer is output

4. Input device is any hardware device that sends data to the computer, without any input devices, a computer would only be a display device and allow users to interact with it, much like a T.V.

5. Example of Input device would be a Barcode Readers are often used to help organize and index information or prices about an object.

6. Example Output device is peripheral that recieves or displays output from a computer. 3D printer created by Charles W. Hall in 1984 creates identical forms of polymoers and or plastics.

7. Reflection of process of making a mind map using Mind Meister, is extremely is interesting, fun and confusing all in one. I like the variety of different templates and colors to decorate with, but trying to direct which why each bubble should go is impossible. It would use it for teaching for my students to create something new and exciting within my classroom. This mind map help illustrates how complex yet creative technology can be.