Hafsa Hussain

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Hafsa Hussain by Mind Map: Hafsa Hussain

1. Childhood

1.1. Hafsa was born in Karachi, Pakistan

1.1.1. She moved to the United States when she was four years old

1.1.2. Because she often travels from the US to Pakistan she has learned to speak a total of four languages

1.2. She has a younger brother and younger sister

1.3. Hafsa has a total of 12 uncles and four aunts.

1.3.1. She has a total of 52 first cousins, most of whom live in florida

2. Work Information

2.1. Hafsa started her career at the YMCA as a volunteer

2.1.1. She volunteered 100 hours for a scholarship

2.2. Hafsa started working a the YMCA three months after she started volunteering

2.2.1. Because of her extensive volunteer work she was offered a position in the child development department as a co-teacher

2.3. In 2014 she was promoted to a Lead Teacher

3. Education

3.1. Rainbow Elementary

3.1.1. Hafsa attended Rainbow Elementary from grades k-5.

3.1.2. It was her fifth grade teacher Mrs. Sweeney who influenced her into pursuing a career in education.

3.2. Indian Trails Middle School

3.2.1. Hafsa received straight A's all throughout her middle school career.

3.2.2. Her eighth grade middle school teacher was the one who sparked her love for reading

3.3. Oviedo High School

3.3.1. Hafsa graduated from Oviedo High School in 2013

3.3.2. She graduated with a 4.2 GPA

4. Personal Interests

4.1. Hafsa loves cats

4.2. She loves to watch movies!

4.2.1. Her favorite movie is Mean Girls

4.2.2. She also enjoys watching Harry Potter

4.3. She loves to travel

4.3.1. Her favorite place she's visited is London

4.3.2. She has always dreamed of going to Paris