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CM group mission by Mind Map: CM group mission

1. define domain

1.1. what is a CM

1.2. New node

2. networking

2.1. clients

2.1.1. B2B

2.1.2. B2C

2.1.3. C2B

2.1.4. C2C

2.2. peers

3. assess tools effectiveness

3.1. effectiveness

3.2. strategy (relating to social dynamics)

3.2.1. when to use what tool

3.3. what tool supports what social process?

3.3.1. e.g. mindmap is good for brainstorming

4. Connecting people and organisation

5. collaboration

6. share expertise

6.1. research

6.2. best practices

6.3. specialisations

7. evangelizing

8. New node

9. New node