Concept Mapping in Final Project

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Concept Mapping in Final Project by Mind Map: Concept Mapping in Final Project

1. 3. Pros: This tools had several benefits. It is simple to use. If you share it with someone else you can add or edit their work. The tasks are simple and makes it easier for primary aged children. MindMeister has per-made maps you can use along with starting with blank copy. The program provides icons to add to the map making it more applying to your audience.

2. 3. Cons: This program is simple, but with that you have limitation on what you can do. For example, you can not list things in a column they have to be writing continuously. This tool also limits you on what you can do if you use the free app. By registering for the free app you can only have three maps at a time and you are unable to upload your own images to your map. Another con is this concept mapping tool has limitations on where and how you can link your bubbles.

3. Using it in my Classroom

3.1. I would use MindMeister in my classroom. One lesson I would use this tool for is when discussing adjectives. I would begin by introducing adjectives by reading Hairy, Scary, Ordinary by Brian Cleary. Then the students would watch a Brainpop over adjectives. Following the video I would start with a single bubble on the board using the MindMeister tool that said Oreo. I would provide each of my students with an Oreo. Then they would begin to describe the Oreo using adjectives. For each adjective stated, I would add a bubble and type the word given. When the lesson is done, we would have a full list of adjectives that describe our Oreo.

3.2. When creating a lesson plan using this tool. I would state my objective and learning targets first. Then I would begin to branch off in the order in which I would teach the lesson. For example, if my standard was students can distinguish the difference between long and short vowels. I would list that first, followed by "I can distinguish the difference between long and short vowels." This being the students goal. Then I would group all the ''I do's" in one bubble, "We do's" in its own bubble, followed by the "You do's" or the students' independent practice. I would leave one bubble empty so I can go back and make notes about the lesson for the next time I use it.

4. 1. In my final project I would use concept mapping to allow the students to record their thinking as they visualize while listening to an audio book. Students would access MindMeister on the chrome books. Has they hear the story they can record their thinking mapping their thoughts. Then create a sentence or two describing what they think a Gruffalo looks like. This would be lesson 14 in my unit plan. It will allow me to see the students demonstrate their thinking along with having the use of technology to enhance my lesson.

5. 2. Incorporating any tool that enhances your lesson is beneficial to your learning environment. I chose MindMeister because it is simple to use and my first grade student could use it independently. I also like MindMeister because the students can share their maps with others with out making it public. There is also limited editing tools which helps the students stay focused on the tasks and less worried about how it looks.