Web 2.0
by peter yeomans
1. Entertainment
1.1. the establishment
1.1.1. Sky +
1.1.2. i tunes
1.1.3. i player
1.2. the individual
1.2.1. youtube
1.2.2. myspace
1.2.3. flickr
2. schools' obligations
2.1. Parents able to monitor children's progress online
2.2. Personal online learning spaceand portfolio
2.3. Rich material online and available for teachers
2.4. Training in e-learning available for all teachers
2.5. ICT embedded within school management structures
2.6. High quality connectivity to the web
3. risks
3.1. identity fraud
3.2. inappropriate images
3.3. e-safety
3.3.1. BECTA
3.3.2. Kent Ed
3.3.3. Byron Review
3.4. Apply e safety principles to this?
3.5. five live discussion on esafety
3.6. 1984 and all that
4. In the Classroom?
4.1. blogging - sandaig
4.2. Podcasting - downs fm
4.3. witches wiki
4.4. a million penguins
4.5. webquests
4.6. branching stories
4.7. Geocaching
5. pangea day
5.1. youtube
6. Douglas Adams
7. creative commons
7.1. The Public domain
8. e-commerce
8.1. shopping
8.1.1. ebay
8.1.2. amazon
8.2. travel
8.2.1. hotels
8.2.2. cheap flights
9. e becomes i?
9.1. ipod
9.2. idrive
9.3. itunes
10. social networks
10.1. del.icio.us
10.2. facebook
10.3. Twitter
10.4. blogs
11. collaboration
11.1. blogs
11.1.1. we the media
11.1.2. prosumers
11.1.3. Blogging skills
11.2. wikis
11.2.1. Pbwiki film
11.2.2. wiki in plain english