Idea Generation - Steadfast 2 Group 2

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Idea Generation - Steadfast 2 Group 2 by Mind Map: Idea Generation - Steadfast 2 Group 2

1. Feelings

1.1. sick

1.2. uncomfortable

1.3. lethargic

1.3.1. sneezy

1.4. feverish

1.4.1. sad

1.5. tired

1.6. feeling blue

1.7. ill

1.8. sleepy

1.9. unhappy

1.10. angry

1.11. feverish

1.12. sad

1.13. feeling hot

1.14. feeling cold

2. Weather

2.1. rainy day

2.2. sunny day

2.3. cloudy day

2.4. windy

2.5. thunder

2.6. sunny

2.7. cold and windy day

2.8. lightning

2.9. cold day

2.10. hot day

2.11. lightning

2.12. stormy

2.13. dark sky

2.14. cloudy with a chance of rain

2.15. strong wind

2.16. warm