Quick recruiting guide for a first phone interview

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Quick recruiting guide for a first phone interview by Mind Map: Quick recruiting guide for a first  phone interview

1. Motivation to join

1.1. What is your motivation to join us?

1.2. Why exactly this job / position?

1.3. Why do you think you are the right one for this role?

2. Any other Business (choose as applicable)

2.1. Earliest availability

2.2. Relocation

2.3. Job specifics

2.4. Salary expectation

3. Closure

3.1. Thank you

3.2. Next steps

4. Self introduction candidate

4.1. Please tell me a little bit about your career / education so far

4.2. What was the last project / assignment you have been working on?

4.3. What are your expectations?

4.3.1. What are the three most important things you expect from this job?

4.3.2. How do you define success?

5. Opening

5.1. Hi, my name is ....

5.1.1. Do you have time to talk?

5.1.2. I am the ...

5.2. Thanks for your interest in applying for our posted job offer as ...

6. Brief introduction of own company/organization

6.1. Mission

6.2. Who we are...

6.3. What we do ...

6.4. Some specifics about our group / team / department

7. What is this Mindmap about?

7.1. Brief guide for conducting a telephone interview