Nobody Owens and his Key Relationships

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Nobody Owens and his Key Relationships by Mind Map: Nobody Owens and his Key Relationships

1. The Man Jack

1.1. What is his relationship with Bod ?

1.1.1. He was sent by his mysterious organization to kill Bod's whole family ,although Bod escaped.

1.2. How does Bod feel about him ?

1.2.1. When Bod first learns about him,he wants vengeance.In page 181 of the book,Bod says"If I go outside in the world,the question isn't 'who will keep me safe from him...Its 'who will keep him safe from me ?'"

1.2.2. Later when Scarlett is in danger,page 262-263 of the book,Bod begins to feel a fear of Jack,because although Jack cannot hurt him,he can hurt his friends.

2. Silas

2.1. What is his relationship with Bod ?

2.1.1. Silas is Bod's guardian.Silas is responsible for Bod's safety and also giving him food and water to survive.

2.2. How does Bod feel about him ?

2.2.1. In page 65-69,Bod could not live without Silas as he could not live with the temporary guardian,Miss Lupescu, as he didn't like her food and her lessons.

2.2.2. In page 200-205, Silas saved Bod from the policemen.Even though Bod and Silas had a real argument ,Silas still came to rescue Bod.Bod was very thankful of Silas as he injured while saving him.

3. Mother Slaughter

3.1. What is her relationship with Bod ?

3.1.1. In page 22-25 and page 298,Mother Slaughter debated that Bod should stay in the graveyard and given the Freedom of the Graveyard,but nobody listened to her until the Lady on the grey rides up.

3.2. What does Bod feel about her ?

3.2.1. Mother Slaughter cared for Bod ,in page 298,"She stood up and pulled a grubby piece of linen from her sleeve,spat on it,and reached up as high as she could and scrubbed the blood from Bod's forehead."

3.2.2. Mother Slaughter was one of Bod's friend who he met before he departs.

4. Scarlett

4.1. What is her relationship with Bod?

4.1.1. Scarlett was Bod's only living friend. Scarlett was the only living human who met Bod while her visit to the graveyard. Scarlett is also Bod's tutor as ,in page 42,"They copied down names from tombstones,Scarlett helping Bod pronounce unfamiliar names and words,"

4.2. What does Bod feel about her?

4.2.1. From page 283-287,Bod saved Scarlett from the Man Jack ,who Scarlett thought that he was a friendly person but she did not expect that he would take advantage of her,but Bod's help was unappreciated.In page 289, Bod confessed to Silas that he liked Scarlett.