Food is not only inseparable from the history of human race but basic to it. Without food we wou...

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Food is not only inseparable from the history of human race but basic to it. Without food we would not have history by Mind Map: Food is not only inseparable from the history of human race but basic to it.  Without food we would not have history

1. Science

1.1. Food used as medicine

1.1.1. Figs

1.1.2. Dates

1.1.3. Ale

1.1.4. Herbs

2. Agriculture

2.1. Ate only what was edible

2.2. Knowledge of the land

3. Health

3.1. Nutrients/proteins

3.2. Longer lifetime

3.3. More energy

4. Cooking

4.1. Cooked meat has more proteins

4.2. Made more things edible

4.3. Grains as food

5. Problem Solving

5.1. Learned to farm

5.2. Discovered new things

5.3. Developed cooking techniques

6. Culture

6.1. Different foods

6.2. Different costumes

6.3. Roles in a tribe

7. Religion

7.1. Taboos

7.2. Forbidden Food

7.3. Regulations

8. Advancements

8.1. Tools

8.2. Boiling pit

8.3. Pots

9. Knowledge

9.1. Previous happenings

9.2. Accidents

10. Gender Roles

10.1. Women

10.1.1. Weaker Stayed home

10.2. Men

10.2.1. Stronger Hunted