Bend EcoVillage or new name?!
by raj solanki
1. Google Events Calendar
1.1. Calendar from each portal
1.1.1. wendee's office
1.1.2. water store
1.1.3. house events
1.1.4. myc
1.1.5. mate' bar
1.1.6. azura'
1.1.7. etc.
2. project pages (possibly separate pages linked to CEP portal?)
2.1. BEE currency
2.1.1. also, possibly time bank (barter)
2.2. food coop
2.2.1. shopping mall/cart/producer inerface osCommerce, with shopping mall capabilities for multiple vendors
2.3. garden/food production
2.4. progressive/democratic education
2.5. health/wellness
2.6. spirituality
2.7. resource sharing/recycling
2.8. eco-village
3. Image/video gallery
4. Donate
4.1. grants
4.2. Fundraising
5. Bend EcoVillage governance (meeting minutes, policies, etc.)
6. Announcements
7. Stratigic Planning Process
7.1. Visit Lost Valley in Eugene
7.2. Narrow Focus and Create Vision/Mission
7.3. Adopt Goverenace and conflict resolution model
7.4. Adopt Legal Status
7.5. Adopt Financial Model
7.6. Create Goals with Specific Objectives to be completed by individuals
8. Community Liaison
8.1. Member Directory
9. Google Groups forums
10. Surveys/feedback
11. The Temple
12. Marketplace
12.1. Barter exchange
12.2. connect
12.3. classifieds
12.3.1. business listings