Current Professional Development Offerings

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Current Professional Development Offerings by Mind Map: Current Professional Development Offerings

1. Project Based Learning (K-5)

1.1. ISTE*Teacher Standards

1.1.1. Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments

1.1.2. Promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility

1.2. Technology Integration Matrix

1.2.1. Authentic Infusion - Teacher encourages students to use tech tools to make connections with the world around them

1.2.2. Goal-directed Infusion - Teacher creates a learning context in which students regularly us tech tools

1.3. SAMR

1.3.1. Modification - Significant task redesign

1.4. Delivery

1.4.1. Traditional

2. Creativity using Chromebooks

2.1. ISTE*T Standards

2.1.1. Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity

2.1.2. Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments

2.2. Technology Integration Matrix

2.2.1. Authentic Adaption - Teacher creates instruction that purposefully integrates tech tools and broader access

2.2.2. Goal-directed Infusion - Teacher creates a learning context in which students regularly us tech tools

2.3. SAMR

2.3.1. Modification - Goal is to get teachers comfortable integrating tech into their lessons

2.4. Delivery

2.4.1. Traditional

3. Integrating Tech into the Common Core

3.1. ISTE*T Standards

3.1.1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity

3.1.2. Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments

3.2. Technology Integration Matrix

3.2.1. Collaborative Infusion - Teachers encourage students to use technology tools collaboratively

3.2.2. Goal-oriented Adaption - Teachers select tech tools and clearly integrate them into their lessons

3.3. SAMR

3.3.1. Modification - Teachers become comfortable integrating tech tools into their lessons.

3.4. Delivery

3.4.1. Traditional