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elections by Mind Map: elections

1. why me?

1.1. As for me it should be strong enough and active person to manage and unite so many people. And one more thing is to be self-motivated. Of course there are a lot of important qualities but these are the main. About myself. This is my last year in AIESEC E&G and I really highly-motivated to make huge impact, to build the strongest team, to make the best results. I have to be active to achieve all planned in 1 year, to work with my soul and heart. To be strong. Everything depends on your final decision, I understood it quiet well in OCP position and ready to implement it in my LCP work. Culture. I`m rather old member  to feel the culture of our LC so it`s the time to create it.

1.2. First of all leadership is about having Vision. Leader help a team to build very strong Vision. Each teamster should desire Vision. Next step – help the team to achieve this Vision. That’s the work of leader.

2. strenght & weakness

2.1. Team-management skill as creating 1 team=1 soul. Good delegating Focus on the results Strategy thinking

2.2. Sometimes too many attentions to the details Give more flexibility to team-members.

3. numerical goals

3.1. 105 + 120 X

3.1.1. 20 + 10 MT 3 new project in different areas

3.1.2. 80 DT White dove HIV/AIDS Summer Camps Proffile iChange

3.1.3. 5 TT contacts of IT Forum

3.1.4. 10 ET hot contacts of TLTC

3.2. 200 members

3.3. 12 x+l

3.4. 40 leadership

4. priorities

4.1. Middle management

4.1.1. Improving OCP-preparation term

4.1.2. Develop OCP-preparation team (and presidence one later)

4.1.3. re-organize PBoX structure: Creating OC VP

4.1.4. managers Managers connection to LC members involving in PBoX work making their vision better goal setting and tracking

4.1.5. increase the quality of integration projects (to be OCP-simulation)

4.1.6. tracking of EB members carefully using more modern devices as on-line mind-maps not only spreadsheets. It`s more visible

4.1.7. Control transition making

4.1.8. give OCP the possibility to facilitate at least during local conferences.

4.2. International networking

4.2.1. Give more matching trainings to make @ers understand the inner investment in your future especially in international networking. E&G is on the 10th best recognizable LCs in the world, at least 20% of LC members attended International conferences, CEED became usual thing in LC

4.2.2. capitalize in international networking, including creating LC E&G in international community.

4.2.3. Increase outgoing and incoming CEED number

4.2.4. attending international conferences

4.2.5. organizing receprion team time-table of events with EPs

4.2.6. matching=networking

4.3. Financial sustainability

4.3.1. Plan more carefully PBoX budgeting We have positive budget, quality Of DT interships increased

4.3.2. to act in synergy OGX will give money and results, this money will be invested in DT ICX, DT ICX will give interns, this interns will be engaged in ER events, ER events will have a goal – to make a good promo for OGX, and to capitalize on returnees.

4.3.3. make more strict tracking

4.3.4. new ways of receiving money

4.3.5. more education in this area

4.3.6. MT focus, business events worm contacts as many companies in targer as possible in St Pete including alumni

4.4. x

4.4.1. ICX side: make people understand the inner force of matching and creating network. Motivate people to apply CEED programs and international conferences. More sharing with EPs who already finished their internships. Creating reception team and special time-table of events with inters for all LC (not only usual parties), especially cultural program.

4.4.2. OGX side: participation of more LC part in this area, especially in promotion, EP-management, buddies, more successful stories of exchange, involving alumni (X+L) in LC life. Support of OGX team.