Nobody Owens and his key relationships

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Nobody Owens and his key relationships by Mind Map: Nobody Owens and his key relationships

1. Scarlett

1.1. Her relationship with Bod

1.1.1. Scarlett is a human who does not have any supernatural powers, but she can see Bod even though Freedom of the Graveyard keeps him hidden from other humans when he’s in the graveyard.

1.2. What does Bod think about her?

1.2.1. He is a friend of her who they met in their dream.

2. The man Jack

2.1. His relationship with Bod

2.1.1. He is a man who killed Bod's parents and want to kill him too. He followed Bod to the graveyard but could not get to him because Bod was protected by Mrs. Owens

2.2. What does Bod think about him?

2.2.1. He wants to revenge Jack for killing his family. He does not scare of Jack because he know Jack cannot hurt him.

3. The Ghouls

3.1. Their relationship with Bod

3.1.1. There was a time when Bod decided to run away from graveyard to live with the ghouls. He then realised that the Ghouls did not care about him and only want to eat him.

3.2. What does Bod think about them?

3.2.1. Ghouls are supernatural creatures which eat dead people and turn other people into ghouls. Bod learned many lessons from the Ghouls.

4. Mr.Owen and Mrs. Owen

4.1. Their relationship with Bod

4.1.1. They are Bod's graveyard parents when Bod's real mother asked them to help taking care of her son as she was dead.

4.2. What does Bod think about them?

4.2.1. They are nice and kind. They take good care of Bod.

5. Silas

5.1. His relationship with Bod

5.1.1. He is Bod's Guardian as he take care of Bod's food. He teaches Bod what he need to know.

5.2. What does Bod think about him?

5.2.1. Silas is Bod's idol as Bod always look up to him. Bod values Silas' wisdom the most.

6. Miss Lupescu

6.1. Her relationship with Bod

6.1.1. She is Bod's Guardian when Silas was away. She is werewolf and Bod's teacher. She rescues Bod when he was dragged into hell by the ghouls.

6.2. What does Bod think of her?

6.2.1. Bod thinks she was very strict and boring teacher. She gives him home-cooked food which is nasty for him. However when Bod realises that her lessons are actually useful in his life, he starts to study hard to take all knowledge she gave. Therefore they become good friends.