Passive Verb Forms

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Passive Verb Forms by Mind Map: Passive Verb Forms

1. Linking verbs are neither active nor passive and act like an 'equals' (or inequality) sign. By far the most common linking verb is 'to be'. Use linking verbs to describe a 'state of being'.

2. Active: The secret-service man shot the dark stranger. Passive: The dark stranger was shot. [who did the shooting is not named] Linking: The dark stranger is not dead.

3. Describe the action done by the subject of a sentence. Passive verbs use a linking verb alongside the main verb. With passive verbs, it is often possible that the subject is not named.

4. Downplay the actor, for example when: The actor is not known The actor is relatively unimportant The actor has already been named. Downplay the action, for example To add focus to the object When the action may seem hostile