Editing your profile details on Steam

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Editing your profile details on Steam by Mind Map: Editing your profile details on Steam

1. Help & Documentation

1.1. Information available (however not really detailed) on Steam website regarding profile privacy/profile editing

1.2. Able to approach help from the community/internet, such as browsing through Youtube or the Steam Community forums

1.3. Contacting the Steam helpdesk for help would take days to get a reply.

2. Help Users Recognise, Diagnose, and Recover From Errors

2.1. Reasons are stated when your last updated profile details are not saved

2.2. Provides a short solution on how to solve errors

3. Aesthetic & Minimalist Design

3.1. Simple and neat design

3.2. Can be understood easily

3.3. "View Profile" button is not visible on the main screen, thus new users may have trouble getting to their profile

4. Flexibility & Efficiency of Use

4.1. No search bar

4.2. Able to use "Page Up" and "Page Down" buttons to go to the top or bottom of the page

5. Recognition Rather than Recall

5.1. Most buttons are self-explanatory, hence users would know what to do after pressing the buttons

6. Match Between System & Real World

6.1. Gives you a virtual name and an avatar to be recognized by your friends/other gamers. You do not have an avatar/game name to represent yourself in the real world

6.2. Able to add game guides and reviews easily on Steam for other players. In the real world, you have to verbally explain to others, which may be a tough task

6.3. Comment tab available on one's profile to leave your comments which is unavailable in the real world

7. User Control & Freedom

7.1. Users can make the decision to set their profile privacy

7.2. Able to cancel out changes that are edited halfway

7.3. Able to link your Steam account to social medias (e.g. Facebook) to connect with other gamers

8. Error Preventation

8.1. System does not mark out unintentional typos

8.2. When certain text boxes which are compulsory to fill in are left blank, Steam immediately informs the user about it

8.3. Text boxes are highlighted yellow when a compulsory detail is not filled in

9. Consistency & Standards

9.1. You are able to showcase certain stuffs, such as your featured group and badges, so as to make the profile more appealing

9.2. Arrangement of the page is neat and organised

9.3. Steam informs you after the changes have been successfully made and saved

9.4. Game achievement to keep track of your game progress

9.5. Showcase tabs requires a Steam level of 10, and to do so you have to spend money on Steam, hence wasting unnecessary money

10. Visibilty of System Status

10.1. Pages have headings to show users where they are at

10.2. Profile displays your recent game activities & online friends

10.3. Profile displays if you are either playing a game, online or offline. If on offline mode, there will be a last login timing