Camping adventure (Setting: Family) Group 8

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Camping adventure (Setting: Family) Group 8 by Mind Map: Camping adventure (Setting: Family) Group 8

1. Characters:

1.1. Johnny'parents

1.1.1. Johnny

1.1.2. baby

2. trigger: camp fire.

2.1. a lot of smoke.

2.1.1. barbecue fish very smell

3. Climax

3.1. fishfishfishfishfishfish

4. introduction

4.1. Johnny ,his baby brother and their parent went to the forest and camp there

5. Resolution: Johnny's father immediately took the rifle when he saw the bear. Then he tried to shoot some bullets in the air to scare away the bear but did not work. In a flash Johnny thought of a good idea to get rid of the bear. He told his father about the idea and his father immediately took action. Johnny's idea was to take some fish and lure the bear away as he knew that bears love to eat fish.