Man and its environment

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Man and its environment by Mind Map: Man and its environment

1. Man Kind(some ways of saving)

1.1. 1.Use fabric bags

1.2. 2.Cancel your subscriptions.

1.2.1. Magazines and catalogs are some of the biggest offenders. There are online versions for anything you receive in print, so sign up for the email versions instead. By doing this you save money and over 53 million trees and 56 billion gallons of water a year.

1.3. 3.Use natural detergents and cleaners. Choose detergents that are plant based, concentrated, and biodegradable.

1.3.1. They work really well in cold water and get your clothes just as clean.

1.4. 4.Use cold water.

1.4.1. Switch to washing your clothes in cold water. This helps keep your colours from fading and reduces the amount of energy you use per load by 90%. I have been washing this way for over 10 years and I have never had an issue.

1.5. 5.Hang your clothes to dry.

1.5.1. Dryers are huge energy consumers. Instead of drying, hang clothes on hangers and let them dry naturally.We hang all of our clothes to dry and it never takes more than one night for the clothes to fully dry out. This saves our energy consumption as well as over $70,000 in our lifetime.

1.6. 6.Check for leaks.

1.6.1. Perform a DIY energy audit in your home to see if you have any leaks. This will tell you what you need to fix so that your home runs more efficiently. Make sure to check for water leaks too with toilets and sinks. A leaky toilet can waste 30-500 extra gallons of water a day.

1.7. 7.Use recycled toilet paper.

1.7.1. By switching to recycled toilet paper you can help save 1 million trees a year and 1.35 billion litres of water. And don’t worry, the paper is just as soft as the commercial stuff so your ‘bottom’ won’t mind.

1.8. 8.Use rags.

1.8.1. Instead of paper towels, use clothes and rags for cleaning and spills. They can be thrown in the wash and reused again for next time. By switching to cloth, you can save over 500,000 trees.

1.9. 9.Use your dishwasher.

1.9.1. Running a fully loaded dishwasher is way more energy efficient than hand washing. You can save up to 20 gallons of water a day.

1.10. 10.Lower your fridge and freezer temp.

1.10.1. Many of us run our fridges and freezers cooler than they need to be. This wastes energy and costs us money. A fridge will protect your food from spoiling at a temperature between 38 and 42 degrees F. For your freezer, keep it at 0 degrees F.

1.11. 11.Keep your house in the 2 degree range.

1.11.1. In the winter keep your house 2 degrees colder. This can save a ton of energy. If you are cool, snuggle under a blanket or put a sweater on. The ideal winter temperature for a house is 68 degrees F in the day time and 55 degrees at night. In the summer, keep your house 2 degrees warmer. If you get hot, put a cooler shirt on or run a fan. This is way more efficient than running your air conditioner. The ideal summer temperature for your house is 78 degrees F.

1.12. 12.Don’t waste gas.

1.12.1. Use your car less and use your legs more. If you can, walk or ride a bike to where you need to go. If that doesn’t work, use public transportation. Limit the use of your car and you will save money and limit your carbon footprint. I walk to and from work every day. I also walk to my pilates studio, my esthetician, and even to the mall.

1.13. 13.Use LED bulbs.

1.13.1. Switch the bulbs in your house to LEDs. They emit bright light using a fraction of the energy a incandescent bulb would. They also turn on immediately; you don’t have to wait for them to warm up. Plus, so many manufacturers have jumped on board with this technology, that you can get a bulb in any shape, size, or colour, so finding one to fit your sockets shouldn’t be a problem

2. Building Awareness

2.1. Media

2.1.1. print, broadcast, and Internet media can be a powerful ally in educating the public on environmental matters. In order to perform this role effectively, it is often necessary for the Government to work with the media (and sometimes educate the media). This is often done informally, through regular briefings and information centres.

2.1.2. Celebrities in Media Campaigns As in any advertisement or public awareness campaign, the involvement of people that are well-known and respected public figures and effective use of the media can be a potent way of increasing understanding of the importance of environmental issues and enforcement. Newspapers, television, radio, magazines, and other media can be used to quickly reach a large number of people. E.g.Save My World

2.2. Government

2.2.1. Local Outreach Environmental education is just as important in the developing world as it is in industrialized nations; however, reaching out to the people in those countries can be very difficult. Language barriers, illiteracy, and cultural differences can prevent them from learning about environmental issues, particularly in rural or tribal areas. Reaching out to tribal, religious, and community leaders can often help a government organization or non-governmental organization (NGO) educate the people on environmental issues. Community leaders can help ease communication problems and bridge the cultural divide that often stands in the way of outreach efforts.

3. Positive and negative impacts

3.1. Positive impacts

3.1.1. man made materials alloys such as what is it e.g.plastic good bad

3.2. Negative impacts

3.2.1. Acid rain what is it rainfall made so acidic by atmospheric pollution that it causes environmental harm, chiefly to forests and lakes how was it cause and formed main cause is the industrial burning of coal and other fossil fuels, the waste gases from which contain sulphur and nitrogen oxides which combine with atmospheric water to form acids. formed by a chemical reaction that begins when compounds like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the air. These substances can rise very high into the atmosphere, where they mix and react with water, oxygen, and other chemicals to form more acidic pollutants, known as acid rain.

3.2.2. Deforestation what is it clearing Earth's forests on a massive scale, often resulting in damage to the quality of the land how it affects soil erosion global warming

3.2.3. marine environment Fishers some fishing techniques such as dredging and trawling can cause widespread damage to marine habitats and organisms living on the sea floor Water pollution Indirect direact

4. Solution

4.1. Go green!!

4.1.1. Going green helps the environment by reducing the amount of pollution that enters the soil, water and air. By using alternative energy sources and avoiding the burning of fossil fuels, recycling and reducing waste and driving more efficiently, fewer pollutants are released into the environment. For example, a study by the Environmental Protection Agency found that air quality in the United States is steadily improving but as of 2008, approximately 127 million Americans still live in areas with potentially hazardous levels of air pollution.

4.1.2. 3Rs Reuse There is always a second use for something. Save your jars and use them to keep spices and flours in. Save toilet paper rolls and donate them to local day cares. If you can’t reuse something, recycle it using your local program. Try to limit as much waste as you can. If you really have to trash something, make sure to at least use biodegradable garbage bags. Reduce Recycle Recycling ALL wastes is a Great First Step towards understanding the Problems We Face.

4.2. 'Mankind is scourge and must be eliminated'

4.2.1. [D]o not do it

4.2.2. [R]epot it

4.2.3. [N]ot true It would have been immoral to give birth to a child that . . . would be a burden to the world

4.3. increase crop yields to feed the hungry

4.3.1. The crop will not go extinct

4.4. more efficiently use natural resources without harming the surrounding environment

4.4.1. Do not waste it

4.5. "the ultimate resource is people, skilled, spirited, and hopeful people who will exert their wills and imaginations for their own benefit, and inevitably they will benefits not only themselves, but the rest of us as well" By Julian Simon

4.6. Example

4.6.1. nature Set it up as a National Park. Reforestation of native lands The protected species laws assist in avoiding extinction We breed endangered animals, yes some are kept in zoos and enclosures but others are bred and set free into the wild, in order for them to be able to breed more freely and get their numbers up. Foreign species are eliminated Ecosystems are reinstated Our assistance in natural selection (culling) in some wild herds yield a less negative gene pool "Re-greening" areas which have been subject to desertification We exhale some carbon dioxide which assists green plants in survival Species are bred and released Composting puts nutrients back into the earth, where they originally come from Leave it alone. Don't allow hunting or mining.

4.6.2. factories Use of new and different energy forms reduce pollution We may obtain information and act in an informed way Pollution discharges are eliminated Accumulations of contaminated sediments are removed