Francis Pisani: Covering networks: a challenge for journalists

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Francis Pisani: Covering networks: a challenge for journalists by Mind Map: Francis Pisani: Covering networks: a challenge for journalists

1. 3 - How to cover networks : A toolkit

1.1. Networks basics

1.1.1. • Elementary particles • Nodes, links, hubs, and clusters • Flows • Swarming • Leaderless • Tipping points and structural holes. The positions that matter most.

1.1.2. • An emerging science • Small worlds • social networks • network structure ans network functions

1.2. Exercice

1.2.1. • How would you cover the narcos?

1.3. Final discussion: How can we cover networks?

1.3.1. • Covering networks and network journalism

1.3.2. • Investigation journalism and networks

1.3.3. • Collaborative...

1.3.4. • Let's try to work together on the conclusion of these sessions.

2. References

2.1. Cases

2.1.1. • 9/11 attacks graph

2.1.2. • Nortwest blackout cascade effect explanation

2.1.3. • Fighting SARS

2.1.4. • Within a company

2.2. Articles

2.2.1. Fritjof Capra ITV

2.2.2. Article about medieval France

2.2.3. Mindjet On VsualThinking

2.3. Books

2.3.1. Watts, Duncan, Six Degrees, The Science of a Connected Age

2.3.2. Benkler, Yochai The Wealth of Networks, How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom

2.3.3. Barabasi, Albert-Laszlo, Linked, The New Science of Networks

2.3.4. Shirky, Clay

2.3.5. Arquila, John, Ronfeldt, David Networks annd Netwars

2.3.6. Fritjof Capra # 1997, The Web of Life # 2004, The Hidden Connections: A Science for Sustainable Living


4. 1 - Networks today

4.1. Networks we hear about today and how they are covered

4.1.1. • Al Qaeda, terrorists organization, narcos...

4.1.2. • Smart Mobs, impromptu political movements...

4.1.3. • Epidemics, SARS...

4.1.4. • Memes

4.1.5. • Blackouts and cascade effects

4.1.6. • The Internet, and the Web

4.1.7. • Social networks

4.1.8. • Production networks

4.1.9. • Mixed structures in hierarchical organizations

4.2. Are they more important? And why?

4.2.1. • An old social form rejuvenated by ICT

4.2.2. • The organization aspect: they are more efficient

4.2.3. • The infrastructure aspect: they are everywhere

4.2.4. • The cultural aspect: questioning hierarchies

4.2.5. • The knowledge aspect: an emerging science

4.2.6. • The hipe aspect: a tendency to see networks everywhere

4.3. Exercice

4.3.1. • In Mexican society find topics in which you see a network dimensions. Let's discuss.

5. 2 - Challenges for journalists

5.1. Coverage issues

5.1.1. • No headquarter

5.1.2. • No territory

5.1.3. • No "chief"

5.1.4. • No spokeperson

5.1.5. • Different kind of relationship (no belonging)

5.1.6. • Fluid organization

5.2. The problem with not understanding networks

5.2.1. • 2 case studies taken from recent news Dubai assassination: Mossad only? China vs Google: gvt + network of hackers

5.2.2. • Some problems: • Understanding late • Not understanding • Not communicating

5.2.3. • Understanding networks, participation and the evolution of media • P2P and horizontal communication • Conversations • Participatory media

5.3. Exercise

5.3.1. • Draw the network structure and flaws of a goup you know well. Compare with the hierarchical structure if possible.