Herby Info

A product of South Africa, vintage '63. Internaut since '82. Roaming the world from the age of 23 to date. Jack of all trades, master of none. Techie, pilot, digital nomad. Can travel~live~work~anywhere.

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Herby Info by Mind Map: Herby Info

1. Contacts

1.1. Google

1.2. Full Contact

1.3. Nimble CRM

1.4. OnePageCRM

1.5. KarmaCRM

1.6. MailChimp

2. Social Media

2.1. Facebook

2.2. Google+

2.3. Linkedin

2.4. Twitter

2.5. Pinterest

2.6. YouTube

2.7. Instagram

3. Calendar

3.1. Google

3.2. Todoist

3.3. Breeze

4. Meetings

4.1. Meetup

4.2. Internations

5. Triage

5.1. Leads

5.1.1. Shapr

5.2. Meetups

5.3. Get to know...

5.4. Business Cards

5.4.1. Full Contact

6. Communicate

6.1. Messenger

6.2. Telegram

6.3. Skype

6.4. Slack

6.5. Twist

6.6. Convo