Nobody Owens and his Key Relationships

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Nobody Owens and his Key Relationships by Mind Map: Nobody Owens and his Key Relationships

1. Scarlett

1.1. What is her relationship with Bod?

1.1.1. Scarlett lives n a flat with no garden. Her mother brought her to the graveyard and told her to get some exercise while she waits for her at the bottom of the hill. When Scarett saw Bod, she introduced herself and made friends with Bod.

1.2. How does Bod feel about her?

1.2.1. Scarlett is a bright and lonely girl. Her parents are both teachers.

2. Mother Slaughter

2.1. What is her relationsip with Bod?

2.2. How does Bod feel about her?

3. The Man Jack

3.1. What is his relationship with Bod?

3.1.1. He’s the guy who butchers Bod’s family with a sharp knife, and he wants to do the same to Bod.

3.2. How does Bod feel about him?

3.2.1. Bod is curious and wants to know more about Jack, why had he killed his family and why didn't Silas kill him when he went to look for him in the graveyard.

3.2.2. When Bod first learns about him, he wants vegeance.

4. Silas

4.1. What is his relationship with Bod?

4.1.1. Silas is a ghost living in a graveyard up a hill. When the baby(Nobody Owens) first came to the graveyard without his family, Silas decided to adopt him as his son and raise him up in the graveyard.

4.2. How does Bod feel about him?

4.2.1. He is Bod's idol. He looks highly of Silas and also approach him when he has a problem.