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JJ comboverse by Mind Map: JJ comboverse

1. Prometheusverse

1.1. The Oshira family of suburban Cherry Lake are a family of mages

1.1.1. Owen left Calysta when his daughter Shaya was a baby and remarried.

1.1.2. There might be an curse on the family by a powerful organization of immortals There is an organization of immortals in various places all over, from Greece, to Egypt, to Norway to England. They go by codenames based on mythology One of the mages from these groups/families, related to Zeus is attempting to get close to Calysta while Owen is away. There has been a threat against the family recently It causes Calysta to keep Fletcher hidden away for protection

1.2. Owen and his wife break up because of reasons relating to their children's strange power so he returns to Calysta

1.2.1. Calysta Oshira and Owen Bonhuer have an on again off again history

2. Dreamsverse

2.1. The girls are all students at RAA

2.1.1. Tabitha Writing/Gardening

2.1.2. Spencer Performance Arts/Sports

2.1.3. Paige Theater/Fashion

2.1.4. Autumn Visual Art/Digital

2.1.5. Cam Music/Performance Sports

2.2. They are contacted by a man named Morpheus and employed by him as a "special task force" to take down a corrupt doctor who is misusing a magical artifact

2.3. Autumn Fletcher and Artemis Fletcher(CC) are cousins

2.4. The corrupt Dr. Levine puts together his own task force , led by his son

2.4.1. Ralph Music/Writing/Theatre

2.4.2. Hadley Visual Arts/Theatre

2.4.3. Derek Performance Sports/Theatre

3. Olympusverse(CC)

3.1. Artemis and Wellie were kidnapped by Trixie Borealis at young age, and then were eventually found when they ran away from Trix and returned to their families who were still dealing with the loss.

3.2. The Phoenix family are Royal Nobles

3.3. Royal Board Member's Daughter -Helen Phoenix disappeared on a mission. Soon after Scorpius's close friend's daughter Hazel went to find her birth mom, Scorp Phoenix tried to send people to send her a message.

3.4. Ajax McCrock was a rich and mischievous student who has eyes for Helen

3.4.1. He is also fairly nasty toward students around him, if they don't give him what he wants.

3.5. There are fairies , vamps and magical creatures in this world.

3.6. Bellatrix "Trixie" Borealis is a serial kidnapper known as the "Pied Piper"

4. Ordersverse

4.1. 57= Emmett Cooper

4.1.1. Theater/Performance Art

4.2. 48=Cory Hassett

4.2.1. Visual Art

4.3. Mag runs a home for foster kids/ orphans in New York. Though there are far less than 100 about 12 or so. Quite a few of them are mages and scholarship students at RAA

4.3.1. The owner of the Orphanage might be somewhat crooked and have less than noble motives regarding the mage kids

4.3.2. Mag also happens to have a criminal record from a long time ago and a bad history with some of the local police. She also has a dealing with a particular serial kidnapper-Trix Borealis The orphanage has many of her victims.

5. Artcraft Verse

5.1. Setting: RAA/Northern American Kingdom

6. AiDverse

6.1. Psi exist and a friendly with the mage community.

6.1.1. All Psi are able to practice magery by default

6.2. The Toyakas are originally from England but came to the US area because of a business deal two generations ago. They live in the rich parts of Chicago

6.3. The Strykes are American instead of British. Still have a rivalry with the Toyakas that goes back to them being on opposite sides during the Loyalty Conflict of the North American and European Kingdoms

6.4. Elliott is a former RAA mage formerly married to Kagami.

6.4.1. People of Banquo County do not seem to like him very much

7. Throneverse

7.1. The Throne is an organized crime group for mages and artisan in NY, led by former mob leader Moriarty Riggs, Vasya's boyfriend. They have clashed a lot with the Royal Board in the past

7.2. Niko Volkova has some dealings in the black market that the rest of the family don't know about

7.3. Vasya has a past skirmish with Jasper Frey a mage and high seas criminal, regarding Frey's son who he left and she took in.

7.4. Adrik is an alchemist and a high ranking student at RAA who works as a development scientist for the Royal Board,. He is often torn between his father and his job

7.5. The Volkovas are Russian/Jewish immigrants in New York