Composition 6: A Party Game I Disliked

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Composition 6: A Party Game I Disliked by Mind Map: Composition 6: A Party Game I Disliked

1. Rising Actions

1.1. suggested to play

1.2. he is very cold

1.3. Tom is very embarrased

2. Climax

2.1. Tom got Splashed By a Pail of Water And He Was Very Embarrased

2.2. sad because must do forfeit

3. Falling Actions

3.1. playing water gun

3.2. splashed water

3.3. forfeit by being splashed

4. Exposition/Introduction

4.1. THe Characters are Tom,

4.2. losing at birthday games

5. Resolution/Conclusion

5.1. said sorry

5.2. play games to be happy

6. Members: Hadi, Aqil, Javier, Nicholas, Umer