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mx issues by Mind Map: mx issues

1. top 3 items are from PRINT TO WEB feed

1.1. ageing factor MEDIUM

1.1.1. 1 point every 10 minutes 6 points per hour 144 points over a day

1.2. prev day penalisation is LOW

1.2.1. 0 points

2. previous day penalisation affects all of those items as you are on the 27th when you report the issue

3. Angelina Jolie has a high editorial weight but...

3.1. is part of EFE Feed

3.1.1. ageing factor LOW 1 point every 30 minutes 48 points over a day

3.1.2. prev day penalisation is MEDIUM 100 points

4. dona Alejandro sanz is from ARTICLE

4.1. ageing factor MEDIUM

4.1.1. 3 point every 30 minutes 144 points over a day

4.2. prev day penalisation MEDIUM

4.2.1. 100 points

5. system settings

5.1. AGEIN FACTOR LOW: 1 point every 30 minutes MED: 1 point every 10 minutes HIGH: 3 points every 10 minutes

5.2. PREVIOUS DAY PENSALISAION LOW: 0 points MED: 100 points HIGH: 200 points