Word Processing Guidelines

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Word Processing Guidelines by Mind Map: Word Processing Guidelines

1. main text

1.1. Size 12

1.2. Professional fonts

1.2.1. Times Roman

1.2.2. Arial

1.2.3. Helvetica

1.2.4. Calibri

1.2.5. Tahoma

1.2.6. Verdana

1.3. never use script fonts

1.4. black colour

2. proof read before submitting

2.1. Print preview

2.2. Check the space between lines

2.3. Check the size

2.4. Check the spelling

3. page header

3.1. full name

3.2. insert auto date

3.3. insert page number

4. never do

4.1. use space to align

4.2. use the enter key to push to new pages

4.3. underline because we use this for hyperlinks

4.4. never use hand writing type fonts

4.5. write in emotional colours / styles

5. headings

5.1. Sub headings in bold and size 14

5.2. Main headings

5.2.1. size 18

5.2.2. bold

5.3. use page breaks to keep headings and text together

6. 大家好你怎么样

6.1. 我很好

6.2. 你很厉害吗。。。

6.3. До свидания!