Be a real team member - NAP

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Be a real team member - NAP by Mind Map: Be a real team member - NAP

1. Models

1.1. (Dr. R. M.)Belbin Team Roles

1.1.1. Dr Meredith Belbin studied team-work for many years, and he famously observed that people in teams tend to assume different "team roles".

1.1.2. Broad classification Action Oriented Roles People Oriented Roles Thought Oriented Roles

1.1.3. He defined a team role as "a tendency to behave, contribute and interrelate with others in a particular way"

1.1.4. Plant

1.1.5. Resource Investigator

1.1.6. Co-ordinator


1.1.8. Shaper

1.1.9. Monitor Evaluator

1.1.10. Teamworker

1.1.11. Implementer

1.1.12. Completer Finisher

1.1.13. Specialist

1.1.14. The key is balance.

1.2. Benne and Sheats' Group Roles

1.2.1. Identifies both positive and negative behaviour within a group Task roles - Getting the work done Co-ordinator Personal/Social roles - Contribute to positive functioning Compromiser Dysfunctional/Individualistic roles - Disrupt and weaken Blocker

1.3. Margerison-McCann Team Management Profile

1.3.1. Psychometric tool measuring things like aptitude and personality Margerison- McCann Team Management Wheel

1.4. Aptitude



1.4.3. Business

1.4.4. Technical

1.4.5. Emotional Intelligence

1.4.6. BET 1 2 3 4

2. Recap

2.1. Engage, Relationship, Interest, Motivate

2.2. Models

2.2.1. Belbin Team Roles

2.2.2. Benne and Sheats' Group Roles

2.2.3. Margerison-McCann Team Management Profile

2.3. What Makes a Good Team Member?

2.4. Day to day

3. What we're doing

3.1. Engage, Relationship, Interest, Motivate

3.2. Models

3.2.1. Belbin Team Roles

3.2.2. Benne and Sheats' Group Roles

3.2.3. Margerison-McCann Team Management Profile

3.3. What Makes a Good Team Member?

3.4. Day to day

4. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team - Patrick Lencioni

4.1. Absence of trust—unwilling to be vulnerable within the group

4.2. Fear of conflict—seeking artificial harmony over constructive passionate debate

4.3. Lack of commitment—feigning buy-in for group decisions creates ambiguity throughout the organization

4.4. Avoidance of accountability—ducking the responsibility to call peers on counterproductive behavior which sets low standards

4.5. Inattention to results—focusing on personal success, status and ego before team success

5. Quote

6. Clicking and engaging

7. Tony Bruce

7.1. @tonybruce77


7.3. Equal Experts

7.4. [email protected]

7.5. [email protected]

8. Motivate

8.1. provide (someone) with a reason for doing something

9. Interest

9.1. the feeling of wanting to know or learn about something or someone

10. Relationship

10.1. the way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state of being connected

11. Engage

11.1. occupy or attract (someone’s interest or attention)

12. Day to day

12.1. Positive action over positive thinking

12.1.1. think AND do

12.2. Ask the questions

12.3. Feedback

12.3.1. Express what you do want, rather than what you don’t want.

12.3.2. Avoid vague, abstract or ambiguous phrases

12.3.3. This is what you did; This is what I feel; This is the need of mine that was met.

12.4. Reciprocation

12.4.1. Rule Of rule essentially states that if someone gives something to us, we feel obligated to repay that debt

12.4.2. Give help

12.4.3. Ask for help

12.4.4. give and take

12.5. Acknowledge, never dismiss or ignore

12.5.1. Example: Flagged a issue, dismissed as 'your job'

12.5.2. Assuming only hierarchical status have valid opinions

12.5.3. Making people wait

12.6. Breaking bread

12.6.1. The best ideas are shared over food

12.7. Listen

12.7.1. Information is the means of improvement

12.8. Beware of the curse of knowledge

12.8.1. cognitive bias

12.8.2. can be off-putting

12.8.3. can leave people feeling dejected

12.8.4. why they should care?

12.9. Sounding board

12.10. Appreciate any input

12.10.1. Why?

12.11. Beliefs followed by behaviours

12.12. Find people who work because they believe over people who work for a pay cheque

12.13. Perspective

12.13.1. Example: Let go but learned

12.14. Invest time with people whose work crosses organisational boundaries

12.15. Think

12.16. Reliability

12.17. Dot the i's and cross the t's

12.17.1. Problems don't lie in the philosophy of procedures but in practice, and practice is goverened by attitude

13. References



13.3. I Want You to Cheat!: The Unreasonable Guide to Service and Quality in Organisations - John Seddon

13.4. Poke The Box - Seth Godin

13.5. Some images from




14. What makes a good team member?

14.1. What?

14.2. How?

14.3. When?

14.4. Why?

14.5. Who?

14.6. Where?