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Rocks by Mind Map: Rocks

1. Metamorphic Rocks

1.1. Usually occurs at plate Boundaries

1.2. Transforms Sedimentary and Igneous Rocks

1.2.1. Granite to Gneiss

1.2.2. Limestone to Marble

2. Igneous Rocks

2.1. Forms when Lava from volcanic eruptions harden, either on the earth's surface or inside the crust

2.2. Coarse grained if it has a lot of time to harden. Fine grained if it hardens quickly

2.2.1. Examples of Coarse grained - Granite

2.2.2. Example of Fine grained - Obsidian and Bsalt

2.3. Crystals are usually found in coarse grained rock as they have the time to grow

3. Sedimentary

3.1. Weathering and erosion breaks down rocks into smaller pieces (sediments).

3.2. Sediments transported to other locations.

3.3. The sediments are deposited.

3.4. Sediments may be piled up on top of each other.

3.5. The weight of the layers compact the sediments together.

3.6. The sediments are cemented together to form sedimentary rock.

3.7. Usually quite hard with the exception of shale