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Teachers by Mind Map: Teachers

1. Before Technology

1.1. Before technology was integrated into classrooms it was much more difficult to reach many students during a lesson because so many students learn differently, and all teachers have different teaching methods.

1.2. It seems as though many teachers were struggling and frustrated at times because they felt their students weren't getting what was being taught. It is more difficult without the use of technology to reach students of multiple learning styles at the same time.

1.3. Students in today's society seem to react better to technology because they use it so much in their everyday lives. It helps them to be motivated, and more interested in learning when technology is involved. If a teacher just stands at the front of the classroom and lectures, not only will the students not be engaged, but they are less likely to retain the information presented.

1.4. To say that teachers were unsuccessful before the integration of technology is ridiculous and false. They were still great teachers, they just didn't have as many tools available to help them with instruction and learning.

2. After Technology

2.1. Integrating technology into the classroom allows the instructor/teacher the ability to better reach students with a different range of learning styles.

2.2. Technology allows the use of visuals, audio, graphics, videos, and interactive games that better engage the learners, and help them retain the information because they are soaking it in by more than one method; they are seeing what they have been talking about which allows them to have a better chance at retaining the information

2.3. Technology, however, does bring with it another set of complications/problems. Not only does it help in the classroom, but it can also be a distraction. It is also important that the teachers keep up with the technology so they can always be prepared to help the students. Please press the arrow that will take you to a great little video that illustrates this dilemma.

3. Learning Styles

3.1. The attached video is a great reminder of how we can better reach students with different learning styles.