Nobody Owens and his key relationships

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Nobody Owens and his key relationships by Mind Map: Nobody Owens and his key relationships

1. The man jack

1.1. What is his relationship with owens

1.1.1. He was sent by his secret organisation Jacks Of all trades to kill owens and his family. He was the only one that survived in his family

1.2. How does Bod feel about him

1.2.1. He is scared of him as he can hurt his friends

2. Silas

2.1. What is his relationship with bods

2.1.1. He was his guardian after he escaped and his parents death

2.2. how does bod feel about him

2.2.1. he likes silas

3. Scarlett

3.1. What is her relationship with bod

3.1.1. She was his first real friend when she met him at the graveyard

3.2. How does bod feel about her

3.2.1. He likes her company and they are the greatest of friends

4. Motherslaughter

4.1. What is her relationship with bod

4.1.1. she is her friend

4.2. How does bod feel about her

4.2.1. he helps her all the time and has grown attacthed to her