LOOP Chapters 6 and 7

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LOOP Chapters 6 and 7 by Mind Map: LOOP Chapters 6 and 7

1. Story Characters

1.1. Nelsinho

1.1.1. Adopted son of Elis

1.1.2. Gloria's neighbor

1.1.3. Soneca Nelsinho's godmother would grab his penis and wave it back and forth and tease him, when he was 15 months old

1.2. Elis

1.2.1. Transgender Male to Female

1.2.2. Portrayed as a woman in Felicidade Eterna

1.2.3. Women gossiped with her and spoke about men with her

1.3. "The women living in Felicidade Eterna are able to subvert the social and moral order that idealizes men as eaters and women as those being eaten, resisting the social control embedded in these discourses through joking and story telling." (page 237)

1.4. Gloria

1.4.1. Didn't find a joke funny Mauro made a comment where he would be sleeping with both mother (Gloria) and daughter (Soneca) tonight Gloria packed all her belongings in a sack and went back to Felicidade Eterna She remained angry at him for the next two weeks

1.5. Mauro

1.5.1. Gloria's new boyfriend Retired marine who worked as the Pai-de-Santo of a congregation of Umbanda

2. Rape

2.1. Men entered Gloria's place and didn't find anything to steal so they raped Anita, Gloria's oldest daughter and Claudia, Gloria's niece

2.1.1. Were 14 and 15 years old at the time

2.1.2. Anita lost her virginity before the rape incident

2.1.3. Claudia lost her virginity during the rape incident

2.2. Rape is considered a serious offense

2.3. Rape in a shanty town would provoke a gang to murder

2.3.1. Husbands, fathers, and brothers try to protect their families bodies (females).

2.4. "The telling of a robbery and rape story provided a way for sexuality, violence, and female victimization to be dealt with through humor." (page 264)

2.5. Examined court cases of rape, moral offense, kidnapping

2.5.1. Perspectives of sexuality

3. Humor

3.1. Constructed by

3.1.1. Relations of Class

3.1.2. Gender

3.1.3. Race

3.1.4. Sexuality

4. Conclusions

4.1. "I hope that this book, as a whole, makes clear that these women are not merely passive victims of the structures and discourses of domination that constrict their lives." (page 273)

5. Sexuality

5.1. "In part, it seems, any critique of sexuality is difficult for women to carry out because of the reigning Carioca identity that loudly speaks of a sensual, tropical sexuality, one that has triumphed in a kind of Brazilian carnivalization of desire." (page 227)

5.2. Carnivalization of Desire

5.2.1. Masculinist vision of desire and transgression

5.3. Importance of Sexuality

5.3.1. Sexuality is used as a metaphor in the Carioca language and social life Sexual Joking and Teasing Friendly aspect in all social relations

5.4. Sexual teasing and banter are common practices which take place in Felicidade Eterna

5.4.1. Reveals the local sex culture

5.5. The Carnivalization of Desire

5.5.1. Sexual permissiveness and sex positiveness help describe social relations in Rio de Janeiro

5.5.2. Eroticized tropical paradise Expressed with Body language Attire Flirtation Dancing

5.5.3. Brazilians are more open with their sexuality compared to Americans

5.5.4. In Rio, public flirtation is considered to be a game

5.6. Working Class Cariocas

5.6.1. Unhealthy for men to go too long without sex

5.7. Young Women in Felicidade Eterna

5.7.1. Shared stories of losing virginity

5.8. Older Women

5.8.1. Stories were focused on sexuality and AIDS prevention

5.9. "The understanding of this behavior evolves as much out of the local cultures training of young boys for manhood, a training that constructs masculinity and masculine masculinity as aggressive and even predatory... that are sexually experienced." (page 258)

5.10. During the early 1900's, lower class women were creating their own subculture

6. Documentary

6.1. O Amor Natural (1996)

6.1.1. Depicts the permissive and celebratory sexuality in Rio de Janeiro Captures eroticism and sexuality Ranges from

6.1.2. Explores Rio's diverse population

6.1.3. Brazilians attitudes that they have toward their bodies Featuring Aging female Olympic swimmer Two middle class women lying on a beach in wealthy Zona Sul Elderly widower- lower class background Discusses hot sexual moments of their past

6.1.4. Film expresses Brazilian's pride in identity and are interested in their own form of heterosexuality

6.1.5. Elderly Brazilians- both men and women engage in sexual talk with one another

6.1.6. Film conveys an open, permissive approach to sexuality to the audience