1. Students use Sharemarket Game to learn about investing in the share market, as well as gaining knowledge about the economy, how to research and teamwork
1.1. SAMR
1.1.1. Redefinition
1.2. Mindtools
1.2.1. Knowledge Construction, Not Reproduction Learning with Technology (Un)intelligent Tools
1.3. AusVELS
1.3.1. Students identify different ways to manage personal resources by referring to their own and others' experiences of resource management They examine factors that influence personal financial well-being and are building their own capacity in relation to financial literacy They develop the ability to apply knowledge and skills to their personal financial circumstances
1.4. Australian Curriculum ICT General Capability
1.4.1. Students learning to make the most of the technologies available to them, adapting new ways of doing things as technologies evolve, and limiting the risks to themselves and others in a digital environment Using digital technologies, students create, communicate and present economics and business data and information for a variety of reasons and audiences.
2. Students use Streetsonline and Google Earth to assist them choosing suitable shops along the Upper Heiderburg Road in doing the Business Structure Assignment
2.1. SAMR
2.1.1. Augmentation
2.2. Mindtools
2.2.1. Knowledge Construction, not Reproduction Learning with Technology Developing autonomy and confidence
2.3. AusVELS
2.3.1. Students interpret media reports about current economic conditions locally, nationally and globally and explain how these conditions can influence decisions made by consumers, producers and government policy makers Students explore what it mean to be an ethical producer and consumer and the role of values in economic decision making of producers and consumers Students develop the ability to use data to analyse economic performance of business and economies
2.4. Australian Curriculum ICT General Capability
2.4.1. Learning to make the most of the technologies available to them, adapting new ways of doing things as technologies evolve Access and use digital technologies as an investigative and creative tool
3. Students use Google Docs to collaboratively create a Questionnaire for a newly started business
3.1. SAMR
3.1.1. Modification
3.2. Mindtools
3.2.1. Knowledge Construction, Not Reproduction Learning with Technology (Un)Intelligent Tools Distributing Cognitive Processing Developing autonomy and confidence
3.3. AusVELS
3.3.1. Students learn about the relationship between education, training and work options. They develop and apply appropriate knowledge, skills and behaviours for transition to employment and/or further education and training. They learn about enterprise skills and attributes and how enterprise and innovation affect the economy, society and environment
3.4. Australian Curriculum ICT General Capability
3.4.1. Representing data and information in a format to aid interpretation and analysis Determining the source and reliability of data and information and explaining assumptions or missing information in sources that my affect reliability
4. Students use Notability to make notes in class
4.1. SAMR
4.1.1. Substitution
4.2. Mindtools
4.2.1. Learner as Designers Learning with Technology Distributing Cognitive Processing Cost and Effort Beneficial
4.3. AusVELS
4.3.1. Organise information from a number of sources to advocate and review their views Demonstrate skills required for moving form school to employment or further education
4.4. Australian Curriculum ICT General Capability
4.4.1. Gather relevant and reliable data and information