Nail it then scale it, conference
by Carlos Saavedra

1. Why Startups are important?
1.1. They generate all the new emplyment
2. Myths of Entrepreneurship
2.1. The entrepreneur as a hero
2.2. The money Myht
2.3. The traditional product development model leads to success
3. Why do Startups fail?
3.1. Earrly face blackhole
3.1.1. Entrpreneurs miss prioritize their activities Hiring too many people before naild in it 70% of Startup fail for "Premature Scaling"
4. Successful startups
4.1. Passionate team
4.2. Focused on high growth, big ideas
4.3. Anxious to satisfy the customer
4.4. Honest and trustworthy
4.4.1. "Business happens at the speed of trust"