Causes of Cold War 1945-1953

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Causes of Cold War 1945-1953 by Mind Map: Causes of Cold War 1945-1953

1. arms

1.1. A Bomb

1.1.1. USA 1945

1.1.2. USSR 1949

1.2. H Bomb

1.2.1. USA 1952

1.2.2. USSR 1953

1.3. NATO

2. individuals

2.1. Roosevelt

2.1.1. death

2.2. Truman

2.3. Stalin

3. ideology

3.1. Capitalism

3.1.1. free market economy

3.2. Communism

3.2.1. Marxist Leninist inevitable conflict World Revolution

3.3. Democracy

4. geopolitics

4.1. previous invasions of Russia

4.2. decolonisation

4.2.1. French Indochina

4.2.2. British decolonisation

4.3. Germany's collapse

4.3.1. European power vacuum

4.4. Soviet Eastern Bloc

5. economics

5.1. Lend Lease

5.2. War Costs

5.3. Marshall Plan