ICT in Maths

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ICT in Maths by Mind Map: ICT in Maths

1. GeoGebra. Dynamic Graphing Programs that allow users to change parameters of equations with sliders to show the transformations. Inferences and discovery of patterns is the main use of this tool

1.1. SAMR

1.1.1. Augmentation

1.2. Mindtools

1.2.1. Students explore parameters at their own pace that addresses their own needs and questions Students can generate their own equations

2. Real world data for Statistics Australian Bureau of Statistics: http://www.abs.gov.au/ Gapminder: http://www.gapminder.org/ Students can appreciate the usefulness of the work that they are doing. Real world implications can be made from their work which can draw upon outside, tangible influences

2.1. SAMR

2.1.1. Augmentation

2.2. Mindtools

2.2.1. Students can explore data sets and trends that interest them. Students control what data sets are compared and show correlations and create conclusions.

3. Nearpod. Prepared teacher questions can be asked with immediate feedback to the teacher. Allows all students to participate in answering questions without exposing them to social anxiety.

3.1. SAMR

3.1.1. Augmentation

3.2. Mindtools

3.2.1. Teacher directed lessons Active student participation that is mediated through the technology. Power point presentation that is interactive and allows for student creation

4. CAS Calculators Numerical, Graphical and Symbolic approaches to learning mathematics. Demonstration of all ways of understanding mathematical processes in a self-contained system. This allows for direct translation between the three approaches and highlights equivalency.

4.1. SAMR

4.1.1. Augmentation

4.2. Mindtools

4.2.1. Students can utilise the approach that they understand While the teacher can demonstrate one approach, active participation can be created by having students demonstrate the same problem using a different approach.