ICT and French

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ICT and French by Mind Map: ICT and French

1. Mindtools

1.1. Learners as designers

1.2. Knowledge construction, not reproduction

1.3. Learning with technology

1.4. (Un)intelligent tools

1.5. Distributing cognitive processing

1.6. Cost and effort beneficial

1.7. Developing autonomy and confidence

2. Quizlet

2.1. Website where students can create a free account. Teachers can create free account, or pay for teacher account with extra features. - Students learn vocabulary - Play games to consolidate the new words - There is a record of top scores so students compete against others - Teacher can track the students' progress

2.1.1. Mindtools: Learning with technology

2.1.2. SAMR: Augmentation

2.2. http://quizlet.com/

3. Correspondence with native speakers

3.1. Students correspond with native speakers of French by email or online chat - Engage with speakers of the language in authentic context

3.1.1. Mindtools: Cost and effort beneficial

3.1.2. SAMR: Substitution


4.1. Redefinition

4.2. Modification

4.3. Augmentation

4.4. Substitution

5. Duolingo

5.1. Free iPad application / website Students can consolidate french learning. - Progressive levels. - Can be used as extension for students - Students work independently on particular areas

5.1.1. Mindtools: Developing autonomy and confidence

5.1.2. SAMR: Augmentation

5.2. https://www.duolingo.com/

6. explain everything

6.1. iPad application This tool can be used by teacher or students. - Teachers can create lessons and tasks using the application. - Students can create presentations/use language in creative ways - For example: students can record their voices reading verses of a poem in French and draw pictures to accompany words

6.1.1. Mindtools: Learners as designers Knowledge construction, not reproduction

6.1.2. SAMR: Modification

6.2. http://www.morriscooke.com/?p=134

6.3. https://teachinglotewithipads.wordpress.com/tag/teaching/