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Science by Mind Map: Science

1. Formal

1.1. Mathematics

1.1.1. Algebra

1.1.2. Calculus and analysis

1.1.3. Geometry and topology

1.1.4. Logic

2. Social Science

2.1. Psychology

2.1.1. Cognitive Psychology

2.1.2. Behavioral Psychology

2.1.3. Developmental psychology

2.1.4. Clinical psychology

2.2. Sociology

2.2.1. Criminology

2.2.2. Cultural

2.2.3. Demography

2.2.4. Social psychology

3. Physical

3.1. Physics

3.1.1. Electromagnetism

3.1.2. Classical mechanics

3.1.3. Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics

3.1.4. Relativity

3.2. Chemistry

3.2.1. Physical chemistry

3.2.2. Analytical chemistry

3.2.3. Organic chemistry

3.2.4. Thermochemistry

4. Space

4.1. Astronomy

4.1.1. Compact objects

4.1.2. Physical cosmology

4.1.3. Galactic astronomy

4.1.4. Extragalactic astronomy

5. Earth

5.1. Geoscience

5.1.1. Oceanography

5.1.2. Limnology

5.1.3. Hydrology

6. Life

6.1. Biology

6.1.1. .

6.2. Zoology

6.3. Human biology

6.4. Botany